Rogue fable iii ascii
Rogue fable iii ascii

rogue fable iii ascii

Over the course of the first half of the game, the Hero will overthrow Logan and become ruler of Albion themselves. The player's character, the "Hero", is forced into a quest to become a revolutionary leader to defeat Logan after he reveals his true personality to the Hero.


I sold my most powerful staff once and couldn't get the funds to buy it back.Set 50 years after the events of Fable II, the continent of Albion (where the Fable series is set) is under the control of Logan, a tyrant king and the Hero's older brother. It has only once so far, but I feel like it is pretty easy to sell an important item to the merchant and then it's price immediately raises by a lot. I wish there was a shop buyback button or something. The win achievements showed up long before I beat the game as the enchanter and even so, I won the game in a little under an hour, yet I have the achievement for winning it in under 45 minutes. I did win Rouge Fable II with the warrior and fire mage, so maybe that carries over, but the enchanter remains a mystery to me. I did find a glitch in the game where I randomly got the achievements for winning with the warrior, the fire mage, and the enchanter when I did not win with them. It's such a fun character to play knowing that you don't even have to fight, just make them fight each other. On the other hand, I love playing the enchanter. The enchanter does have problems with enemies being spread out and coming from all directions, and the enchanter sometimes has problem with fighting single strong enemies if you haven't found a good weapon, but group of enemies require like three spell to finish and you don't even need to take damage. Sometimes, there isn't even an enemy left for me to finish off. The glyph-warded doors are trivial when I can just throw two max level confusions in and all the enemies kill each other. I find that one confusion is at second level and the charm is a first level, nothing can stop you short of enemies surrounding you. The game just usually seems to be either teeming with loot I don't need or just not have very much loot at all. I understand that RNG should be random, but it's frustrating to see that I can get to the treasury of vendor (the last level) with my enchanter and still have the starting weapon.

rogue fable iii ascii

I think the RNG should be themed to the character you are playing and what equipment you do not currently have. The archers and mages are fine, because the usually have the same range, but the turrets are different. Also, I have died multiple times to the turrets (the stationary enemies) because I think I'm out of their range, but I'm not. I'm sure I'll learn the ranges as I play the game more, but it would be nice to have. Sometimes I'll click the wait button two or three times and test every time whether something is in my range or not. I think there needs to be some sort of range indicator you can turn on, for both yourself and your enemies. It's just so frustrating to know that I could have survived if there was a backbitten, even just once for the whole game. I know that me clicking on the wrong this is my fault, but so many times I will move towards the enemy I'm attacking or accidentally attack the wrong this and die for it. The game is VERY unforgiving on misclicks. I don't mean to imply that there are that many problems with this amazing game) (Note: I now realize how long I made this list. Your game is amazing as it is, but I would like to comment on some problems I do see in the game, or at least give some suggestions on what I think might be good to add in. The option of going through the side dungeons for more loot and exp were amazing. I really like the large range of weapons, for all classes. It's useful to not have to worry about mana unless you are using a mage. I really like the idea of cool downs on some abilities. They were trivial in Rouge Fable II with four turns before their bombs exploded, but now they can be very deadly if you are engaged with other foes. The fact that there are terrain effects that you can use to your advantage, or can kill you for your lack of preparation, is amazing. There are just so many ways to play the game, that it doesn't get old. There are so many different hero and skill combinations and each character allows for multiple play styles. It rewards having plans and strategies, and (usually) gives you enough items to get out of most sticky situations.

rogue fable iii ascii

Here are my thoughts on why this game is amazing:


Who needs to study for finals when you can be playing Rouge Fable II right? I just finished my first full run on enchanter with some seriously good luck. I cannot put it down, or close the tab at least.

Rogue fable iii ascii